Making a Home
At Ellenhorn, we believe in the curative force of home, convinced that people recover best in their own residences and in neighborhoods. This includes people who might be quite distressed by serious psychiatric experiences. As the most intensive mental health outreach program in the United States, we see ourselves as an alternative to hospital or residential levels of care, a sort of hospital or residential program “without walls.”
While it is impossible for us to serve all our clients from their home locales, we’re dedicated to helping them build homes, and connect to their communities in the Boston, New York, and Los Angeles areas. Most of our clients live on their own, in their own apartments, condos or houses. Some begin care at our staffed homes in Arlington, “Brackett House”.
Unlike other apartment-based programs, in which clients may live in apartments owned and furnished by the program, we serve the majority of our clients either where they live already, or help them find and secure apartments, condos or houses for themselves and help them furnish these places. Focused on our clients rebuilding their social roles, we see this process as a central part of their treatment, as they deal with landlords, purchase furniture, decorate their homes, cook and feed themselves, keep things organized and clean. All along, our intensive team is helping, often side-by-side.
Boston Supervised Supportive Housing
Many people come to Ellenhorn from across the country and around the world, other people might be just entering adulthood, never having lived on their own, and others might feel that living in a supervised group setting makes sense at the start of care. For these people, we offer our three residential options.
Arlington, MA
Brackett House
Formerly a bed and breakfast, Brackett House at 87 Pleasant Street offers care in a non-institutional and home-like setting. Brackett House offers home-cooked meals using the best-quality ingredients – mostly organic and locally grown.
Brackett House provides 24-hour staffing and highest staff-to-client ratio of all our homes.
New York City & Los Angeles
Los Angeles
collaboration allows us to offer comprehensive support, ensuring clients have access to stable and nurturing environments as they embark on their journey towards personal growth and well-being. Ellenhorn’s commitment to providing holistic care extends beyond our partnership with HAUS. Ellenhorn has cultivated warm relationships with various supportive living programs in the greater Los Angeles area. For more information on Los Angeles supportive housing options, please contact Admissions at (800) 515-9972.
Photos provided by HAUS Recovery